Sunday Ministries


Music Ministry

Adult Choir

It has been said that when you sing, you pray twice. This is how we feel in music ministry. Singing at Mass is rewarding and uplifting for both the choir member and the parishioners sitting in the pews. The choir rehearses on Thursday evenings and sings at 10:30 AM Sunday Mass. The choir also sings at special services and Masses throughout the year. Please contact Josh Corcoran if you are interested in learning more.


We are always looking for talented instrumentalists to play at Masses and special services. If you are interested, please contact Josh Corcoran to schedule an audition.


Altar Servers

Altar servers assist with the preparation and execution of the Mass. They assist the liturgical coordinator whenever possible while anticipating the needs of the presider. Any student who has received their First Communion is eligible to be on our Altar Server team. If your child is interested in this opportunity, please contact the parish office.


Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers have the privilege to share in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. The communion rite is the heart and center of the entire Mass. The gathering of the community, the proclamation of God’s Word, the remembering and thanksgiving and offering in the Eucharistic prayer — all are directed toward the moment of communion in which we, fed with His own Body and Blood, are made one in the Lord. A primary qualification for ministers of Communion is that they be by nature interested in, caring about, and at ease with other people. All who gather at the table of the Lord do so as brothers and sisters in the Lord, and must be welcomed there as such. If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, please contact the Josh Corcoran.



As a lector, you have the task of making God present in the Liturgy of the Word for our community. Lectors proclaim God’s word at our Masses. Lectors are responsible for two readings and the prayer of the faithful. If you are interested in becoming a lector, please contact the Josh Corcoran.

Ministry Schedules

Schedules for our Liturgical Ministries are coordinated on a quarterly basis. We provide access to a automated scheduling system to allow our volunteers absolute control over their serving preferences, availability, and ability to find subs and replacements if the need arises. If you are a current volunteer, you can access our ministry scheduling system here. If you need help with your account, drop us a line at

P.S. You can also download the scheduler app for your iOS or Android device. Our organization ID is holycrossdewitt