“Be still and know that I am God.”
What is Adoration?
From the earliest teachings of the Church, the Catholic Church has understood that Jesus, on the last night of his life, took bread and wine and in a literal way changed it into his actual Body and Blood. He commanded the Apostles to continue to do this in his memory. The cornerstone of the Early Church will become the continual practice of doing this fulfilled Passover meal, and it will come to be known as “the Mass.” From the last night of Jesus's life, the Church has continually, for over 2,000 years, celebrated this mystery of changing bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus. Even today, the Church teaches that the Eucharist is no symbol, but actually God himself. The Church developed a special time of prayer with the Eucharist. Taking a piece of consecrated host, the Eucharist is placed in the center of a display case, known as a monstrance, in order for the faithful to gaze at Jesus and to pray within his midst. This exposition, or praying before the Eucharist is called Adoration and is one of the most intimate and personal methods of prayer for many Christians.
Wednesday Evenings
Every Wednesday the parish community has Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament available in the main church from 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM. You are invited to come to this hour for as long or as little as you like. This will be a great opportunity during the week to spend some quiet time with the Lord. The hour will conclude with Evening Prayer from the Divine Office at 7:45 PM followed by Solemn Benediction at 8:00 PM. Bring your family and friends. Sacrament of Reconciliation is also offered during this time.
Monday Mornings
Join us on Monday mornings following daily Mass for a Holy Hour in our Church sanctuary, 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM. Come start your week in quiet reverence and stillness with the Lord. No reservations necessary. All are welcome to attend.