Becoming Catholic

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)

In order to help those interested in the Catholic faith find answers and discern whether they are ready to join the faith, the Church has designed a helpful process called OCIA (formerly RCIA). The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a journey by which adults learn and experience the Catholic faith. The OCIA journey is designed for all people looking for answers about the Catholic faith. Whether you are a not baptized, baptized Christians of another denomination, or baptized Catholic who never received Confirmation or First Eucharist, we welcome you. When a candidate is ready, they are received into the Church during a special ceremony at the Easter Vigil.

Our hope in OCIA is that anyone would have the opportunity to further explore the Catholic faith and use the class to help discern if he or she is being called to join our Catholic family.

Please contact the parish office if you are interested in learning more about our OCIA journey.