January 27, 2022

Pastoral Council Meeting

Members Present:  Lola Gualtieri, Carl Thomas, Kira Reed, Brook Gleason,  Linda Cadaret, Tom Griffith, Claude Pilon, Fr. John, Fr. Foley, Karen Markoff, Mark Bentz

Members Absent:, Bob Mc Crone,  Claude Pilon, Ken Kirkman, Cookie Dunham excused

Opening Prayer

  • Brook Gleasman led the opening prayer.

  • Meeting was called to order by Brook at 5:37.

Minutes of September 7, 2021

  • Minutes from August and September meetings were sent in the email. The August minute attachment is to be deleted for vote, voting only on September 7 meeting minutes.

  • Karen moved we accept the September 7, 2021 minutes of our last meeting. Linda seconded.

  • All in favor- passed unanimously.

Old Business:   

Possible Forum for Parishioner Input

  • Karen reviewed past minutes which said we would discuss parishioner input in the spring; she suggested we consider surveying the parish, especially as discussion continues across the diocese during Synod Listening Sessions with Bishop Lucia. There was discussion about how to best hear parishioner voices and receive input to strengthen our parish. Father John said they surveyed parishioners once a year in Vestal. Council members agreed there is need to consider this in reflecting on past and forward goals for the Holy Cross Church and School community. Karen and Linda will develop survey questions for review at the next Council meeting. Once the survey is approved, it will be put on the website as well as distributed for comment at masses, tentatively the last week in March.

Pastoral Council Badges

  • Father John to get badges to the Council and greeters.

Youth Program Interaction Opportunities with Parishioners & Council Members

  • Father Foley and Brook will talk to Steve about this as he has begun some steps to connect daily mass parishioners with the youth.

Pastoral Council Meeting Times

  • The Council times are changing to accommodate members, especially so both priests can be in attendance. The Council agreed to meet every other month for the remainder of this spring. The Council will meet on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. On March 10 and May 12.

New Business:


  • Brook explained we postponed elections last year due to Covid but need to resume election of new members in Spring 2022. Brook said he is retiring from Council this year, and the Council discussed the following needs: four parishioners to add to the Council, the need for a youth member. The Council will invite interested nominees to complete the nomination application during the last two weeks in Lent. We will tentatively schedule elections the weekend after Easter, April 24. Tom had put together a matrix for intermittent turnover of Council members based on first election, so there would not be turnover of the entire Council at any one time. Father John said he would like to see a 12 member Council as we move forward. The trustees are not part of the 12 voting members. Father John said he would also like another school member. Linda is going to work with Bob for this additional member. Tom will get the matrix to Father John.

  • We will coordinate our survey at same time of elections, providing instant feedback for strategic planning and for Council review.

End of Year Celebration/Picnic

  • Karen to ask Steve regarding update- date and plan

Synod Updates

  • Karen sent members copy of notes from the last Diocesan Pastoral Council Meeting which was run as a Synod Listening Session. Karen and Father identified main areas of discussion at listening sessions as: Latin Mass, bringing word to young families, non-Catholics receiving Communion, promoting sacredness of earth, increased role of Laity in church (specially women), ecumenical councils, PCA roles in communities, welfare of young priests, sense of church community, lapsed Catholics, shortage of priests- recruitment, Church’s tradition, priest’s responsibilities, Old and New Testament, Catholic beliefs, educating people, inclusion and diversity, tradition vs. change to meet the needs of Catholics,(what to keep and what to let go of), LGBTQ, sacraments, respect for the Eucharist, family catechesis and faith formation.

Lenten booklets

  • Karen asked if Lenten booklets will be available again. Father said they are in now, so Karen suggested we organize as we intended last year- for the Holy Cross School children to distribute.

  • Linda will reach out to Bob and families to distribute the booklets after Mass the weekend before Lent begins.

Updates -Father John

  • Hope Appeal- very successful at $170,000. The goal was $92,000. The overage is wonderful and is returned to the parish, although that will probably have to change some next year. 70 parishes have met or gone over their goals. Hope Appeals will continue to be scheduled in the fall.

  • Re-organization- meetings have been semi- in person, mostly Zoom. Father John said until they all get in one room, little progress will be made. Everyone is waiting for the first diocese payments. There has been little communication, but a tentative two-day working schedule has been set in March either in Pittsburgh or here in Syracuse.

  • Parish Attendance- Participant numbers for Mass are steady. Christmas was good, but without usual attendance numbers.

  • Fr Foley- enthused by Youth Program and people coming to Mass, especially 5:00. Impactful Mass because young people there. The Council discussed the importance of this Mass with so many young people in sports and other school or community events. This time provides ability for young families to attend Mass together. Fr. John said with fewer priests, there needs to be Mass other than at usual prime times; 5:00 is working for our parishioners and visiting parishioners..

  • Wed. Holy Hour with Confessions- Father John said very few attend Saturday confessions, but the Council said they like having Wednesday evening confessions keep doing that. Fr. John asked the Council what times during the week would be most effective.

  • LENT- Father John is meeting with his staff next week to finalize the Lenten schedule. He will email it to Karen to distribute.

  • Catholic Schools Week- starts with 10:30 Mass on Jan. 30- Friday, Feb. 4.

There is a Pre-K- 6 Mass on Monday. Students have service projects for people in foster care. They are assembling backpacks. Linda said each grade is responsible for specific items. Next year she will bring this to Council, so we can also put it in the bulletin to support the school project. Kira asked if there is still a need for something. Taylor Clark is coordinating it, and Linda will check. Friday culminates with Red & White Day. They will be live streaming at 1:15.

  • RCIA- Father Foley said five candidates are meeting, and as we get closer to Lent, he asked for prayer partners. This would entail taking on a person and praying or writing to the person as s/he prepares to join our Catholic community. It would present them with love and support from our community, helping them feel integrate

Committee Reports/Updates:

Finance- met a week ago and reviewed investment portfolio and the condition of the church- all  is stable.

Communication- nothing to report.

School-Karen and Linda reported all is going well in school. The school is still working on its Middle States Application. 

Hospitality-The greeters are doing a great job in welcoming parishioners during Covid. It is an extra touch- special recognition of Council members and volunteer parishioners stepping up to do this.

Closing prayer 

  • Brook led closing prayer.

  • Father Foley motioned to adjourn. Mark seconded.

  • Vote- unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 6:39.

Next Meeting: March 10 at 5:30 in Yeazel Hall. 

Holy Cross