May 12, 2022
Pastoral Council Meeting
Members Present: Brook Gleason, Cookie Durham, Claude Pilon, Fr. John, Fr. Brendan, Karen Markoff, Ken Kirkman, Tom Griffith, Linda Cadaret
Members Absent: Kira Reed, Lola Gualtieri, Carl Thomas, Mark Bentz
Opening Prayer
Claude led the opening prayer.
Meeting was called to order by Brook at 5:40
Minutes of March 10, 2022
Karen moved to accept the March 10, 2022 minutes of our last meeting.
Linda seconded
All in favor- passed unanimously
Old Business
Council Membership-Elections
25 people’s names self-nominated or nominated by others. Holy Cross staff have contacted everyone to see if the nominee is willing to serve on the council. Nine nominees could not. The rest have been contacted by Peg and Josh; Dan has asked for a picture, or he will take one, and the picture and a quick bio will be put together by the end of the month. We will publish nominees on the website an in the bulletin in late May/early June. Elections will take place the weekend following Pentecost.
There are 4 open slots for the Council- we are also still looking for a student nominee. Linda asked for another school nominee, but there is not one at this time.
Parish Survey
Purpose to hear voice and thoughts of all parishioners
Karen compiled and sent to everyone for comment.
Father has been looking at some samples Claude brought to him, but some are too lengthy.
Discussion, and Karen will add to survey: What is Holy Cross doing well, and what can we improve on? There was also a suggestion for space if someone would like to volunteer (name, email, phone number) to help as a lector, Eucharistic Minister, choir, greeter, Faith Formation teacher/helper, etc.
Karen will send out a copy of survey with minutes of this meeting.
The tentative timeline for the survey is June 19.
Pastoral Council Badges
Karen did temporary one
Karen will increase name font, purchase larger badge holders and reprint for distribution at June meeting.
End-of-Year Picnic/Celebration- TBD
We have no update at this time about Faith Formation end-of-year activities.
New Business
Karen suggested Pastoral Council recognize and send out congratulations/thank you to reach out to parishioners, recognizing them. Discussion about management of this. Decision to focus at this time on those participating at Holy Cross in Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, Weddings, people moving into parish, beginning of year with RCIA, letter in beginning of year to Holy Cross parents and students.
There was further discussion about tiers of communication as a whole- bulletins, website…
Karen will work with Father John to have Pastoral Council cards printed.
Food Pantry
Cookie said she was able to interview and has taken Maureen’s position on the Jamesville Food Pantry Board.
She asked that we put in the bulletin that people can volunteer for any number of hours to work in the food pantry- unpacking food, etc. The pantry is located at the Jamesville Fire Dept. site.
Committee Reports
Father John
Father expanded on the Diocesan Pastoral Council minutes that Karen sent to members, saying he would continue to inform the Holy Cross Pastoral Council as decisions are made in reconfiguring PCA’s into vicariate regions with an appointed vicar.
Deacon James will be with us for the summer, and his Deacon Ordination will be Saturday at Holy Family Church, 10:00.
There is a new event at the church on Friday nights - an AA group has been started. Interested parishioners can inquire by contacting the parish office.
Communications Committee
Karen sends Council minute summary to Josh, Dan and Peg to put into the bulletin.
School Committee
Bob McCrone retiring end of June. Father John said there are three applicants, and they will be interviewing May 24 for a replacement for Bob, so the recommendation can be made in June for a smooth transition as the school year closes. The interview committee consists of 10 people- representatives from parish, school, and diocese. Karen suggested we send Bob a letter to thank him for his two years as principal of Holy Cross School.
Karen reminded everyone that the school auction is this weekend. There was discussion that communication should have been better this year. Linda said she did not think they sold as many advanced sale tickets this year. The Council members said if the school needs help selling the tickets at the doors after Masses, they are willing to help. Linda said there will be online bidding again this year. Father John also shared there have been sponsors and elite sponsors for the school, making donations to grant teachers’ additional supply wishes. Karen suggested they have a mini-grant process and explained how it has been done in Syracuse City in the past. Linda asked if Karen would be willing to talk to them about this process.
Hospitality Committee
Mary and Cookie said people want to help, and have received many positive comments at 10:30 Mass. Claude said the same at 4:00. They said seniors especially like the help getting into Mass.
We need greeters for the 5:00 Mass- Father John or Father Brendan will ask Steve if he can get some Faith Formation & Youth Ministry students and families to volunteer.
Father said Josh and Dan have talked about us having greeters sign up like lectors, Eucharistic and ministers. Council said this would be good idea, although when a Council member or priest has asked a parishioner to help, they are usually very willing to do this.
Finance Committee
Claude said they met to discuss the problem Holy Cross Church faces going forward -there is $100,000 loss in operations as we go forward. We anticipate for minimum growth possibly -$150,000 lost next year. Holy Cross School costs the parish about $250,000. There was discussion about the costs of the school and how to address it. We have no space at this time for consideration of a PK-3 additional program.
Claude said with Covid restrictions easing, we will pass the basket again, trying to increase our weekly offerings.
The trustees also discussed not having two major events or festivals to cut down expenses. There was further discussion about families making a contribution for capital expenditure or an appeal to givers for additional support.
Father John and Claude said we have financially been doing better than many parishes in the diocese during the pandemic, but we are still falling short with rising expenditures. Father was asked about Mass weekend attendance, and he said it fluctuates depending on events, seasons, but we consistently have approximately 1200-1300 in attendance each weekend.
There was discussion that if everyone gave $200 per family, we might not have to make cuts. Father also said we are also going to have to strengthen the core to help contribute with payments parishes will make once settlement amounts are determined for past diocesan discretions.
Father John said Hope Appeal may go to 75% and then 50% overage back to parishes in the future. Fr. said they are recalculating the way parish assessments are done, so each parish will see 2 to 2 1/2 % increase and the overage. This new calculation will help us.
There was a question about the stairs on the end of the church building. Father explained he is getting estimates. They are looking at either eliminating or replacing the stairs. Father John said people have fallen on the stairs every year, but the current contractor thinks we are better having stairs than eliminating them.
Closing prayer
Brook led closing prayer.
Tom motioned to adjourn. Ken seconded.
Vote- unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 6:40
Next Meeting: June 23 at 5:30 in Yeazel Hall.