September 29, 2022
Pastoral Council Meeting
Members Present: Cookie Dunham, Claude Pilon, Fr. John Kurgan, Karen Markoff, Tom Griffith, Beth Schafer, Bill Leiker, Kay Sgarlata, Margaret Ingraham, Ron DeLuca, Fr. Brendan Foley
Absent: Lola Gualtieri, Carl Thomas, Ken Kirkman, Mark Bentz, Linda Cadaret
Opening Prayer
Vote on Minutes of July 28, 2022 Meeting
Old Business
Vote on By-Laws
Discussion was tabled due to lack of quorum.
Parish Survey
Parish Survey-Bill: Survey-Bill: The Communications Committee feels that quantitative data is helpful for a baseline survey. Open ended questions are included as well for those who prefer them. We hope to hear the parish’s opinion on a variety of topics offered at the parish. Suggests for editing the survey were discussed.
Survey Distribution: Process of distribution: Mass announcement the week before distribution-October 8 & 9
Online and in pew options will be offered starting October15 & 16 with a return date within 3 weeks.
Next meeting date changed: A new meeting date was set for November 17th in order to review and tally the results of the survey.
Increased Communication
What information should be included in the bulletin?
We will wait to see the results of the survey and invite Dan Littlepage to our next meeting.
Catholic Sun: Coming soon: A new article about the Eucharistic Miracles display.
Passing the basket
Fr Kurgan it is beneficial, but not a huge uptick in collection. More ushers needed at 5pm mass. We need to recruit new ushers-set up sign up tables at the upcoming hospitality mass.
Knights of Columbus Communication
No further action will be taken at this time.
New Business
Diocesan Pastoral Council
Karen: DPC minutes were shared via email by Karen. Handouts from recent Diocesan meetings were distributed. Fr Kurgan felt that Holy Cross numbers were similar to the graphs presented: attendance is down & so is Catholic population. There is an Increase in Baptisms at HC. Marriage numbers are down. Less religious participation across the board.
Fall Festival
It was great; 500 people attended with a full house at 10:30 AM Sunday Mass. Suggestions were offered for next time.
Upcoming Pastoral Council Meetings
Nov.17th (moved from Dec. 1st–see above), Jan 26, 2023, March 30 2023, and May 25, 2023.
Preparation needs
Advent Services: Nov 26/27 -all is ready to go/suggeston to have HC children hand out books before liturgies.
Pastor Report
Fr Kurgan: Fr Baranski passed along a thank you certificate to HC school for their generosity in collecting items for a Catholic parish in Ukraine.
Outreach to fallen away parishioners
Discussion about how to reach out to people not attending Church.
Fr Foley suggested we wait for the results of the survey and highlight our good points.
Margaret offered to have the rosary group during the Month of the Holy Rosary include this intention in their prayers.
Committee Reports
Cookie: Food Pantry- Nov 5th is the date for the annual Boy Scout Food Drive. The Food Pantry is looking for volunteers to work a one hour and a half shift; either 10-11:30 or 11:30-1pm. Parking available at St Mary’s Church.
Claude: the Financial Report was distributed to the parish-no feedback
Closing prayer
Meeting concluded at 7:00 PM.
Next Meeting: November 17 at 5:30 PM.