September 29, 2022

Pastoral Council Meeting

Members Present:   Cookie Dunham, Claude Pilon, Fr. John Kurgan, Karen Markoff, Tom Griffith, Beth Schafer, Bill Leiker, Kay Sgarlata, Margaret Ingraham, Ron DeLuca, Fr. Brendan Foley

Absent: Lola Gualtieri, Carl Thomas, Ken Kirkman, Mark Bentz, Linda Cadaret

Opening Prayer

Vote on Minutes of July 28, 2022 Meeting

Old Business

Vote on By-Laws

  • Discussion was tabled due to lack of quorum.

Parish Survey

  • Parish Survey-Bill: Survey-Bill: The Communications Committee feels that quantitative data is helpful for a baseline survey. Open ended questions are included as well for those who prefer them. We hope to hear the parish’s opinion on a variety of topics offered at the parish. Suggests for editing the survey were discussed.

  • Survey Distribution: Process of distribution: Mass announcement the week before distribution-October 8 & 9

  • Online and in pew options will be offered starting October15 & 16 with a return date within 3 weeks.

  • Next meeting date changed: A new meeting date was set for November 17th in order to review and tally the results of the survey.

Increased Communication

  • What information should be included in the bulletin?

  • We will wait to see the results of the survey and invite Dan Littlepage to our next meeting.

  • Catholic Sun: Coming soon: A new article about the Eucharistic Miracles display.

Passing the basket

  • Fr Kurgan it is beneficial, but not a huge uptick in collection. More ushers needed at 5pm mass. We need to recruit new ushers-set up sign up tables at the upcoming hospitality mass.

Knights of Columbus Communication

  • No further action will be taken at this time.

New Business

Diocesan Pastoral Council

  • Karen: DPC minutes were shared via email by Karen. Handouts from recent Diocesan meetings were distributed. Fr Kurgan felt that Holy Cross numbers were similar to the graphs presented: attendance is down & so is Catholic population. There is an Increase in Baptisms at HC. Marriage numbers are down. Less religious participation across the board.

Fall Festival

  • It was great; 500 people attended with a full house at 10:30 AM Sunday Mass. Suggestions were offered for next time.

Upcoming Pastoral Council Meetings

  • Nov.17th (moved from Dec. 1st–see above), Jan 26, 2023, March 30 2023, and May 25, 2023.

Preparation needs

  • Advent Services: Nov 26/27 -all is ready to go/suggeston to have HC children hand out books before liturgies.

Pastor Report

  • Fr Kurgan: Fr Baranski passed along a thank you certificate to HC school for their generosity in collecting items for a Catholic parish in Ukraine.

Outreach to fallen away parishioners

  • Discussion about how to reach out to people not attending Church.

  • Fr Foley suggested we wait for the results of the survey and highlight our good points.

  • Margaret offered to have the rosary group during the Month of the Holy Rosary include this intention in their prayers.

Committee Reports


  • Cookie: Food Pantry- Nov 5th is the date for the annual Boy Scout Food Drive. The Food Pantry is looking for volunteers to work a one hour and a half shift; either 10-11:30 or 11:30-1pm. Parking available at St Mary’s Church.


  • Claude: the Financial Report was distributed to the parish-no feedback

Closing prayer

  • Meeting concluded at 7:00 PM.

  • Next Meeting: November 17 at 5:30 PM.

Holy Cross