The Kingdom of Heaven

Series 1 - Lesson 11

The Kingdom of Heaven

If I were to ask you, what did Jesus talk about more than any thing else in the Gospels, you'd probably give answers like - forgiveness, love, heaven, etc. The truth is, the main message of Jesus is actually about a Kingdom he's bringing - the Kingdom of Heaven. This phrase was a very loaded phrase in the 1st century. It invoked thoughts of restoring the Kingdom of Israel, King David, and more importantly, overthrowing Rome. Yet Jesus's message is different. He is the heir to David's throne (cf. Matt 1) and he is crowned King (the crowning of thrones) but his Kingdom is for the peacemakers, the meek and pure of heart, and calls those in his kingdom to love their enemies. How was Jesus ever going to overthrow Rome with that? Yet, guess where the center for Catholicism is...Rome. He does overthrow it, but through the blood of martyrs. In this lesson, we discuss Jesus' primary message - the Kingdom of Heaven (....which is also known as the Catholic Church, by the way). Watch the video to learn more!