Food Ministry at Holy Cross Church
Maureen’s Mission
Maureen McManus had a mission: to care for those in need. After retiring from a career as a teacher, she served our parish community as the sacristan. For years she oversaw our food ministry and worked tirelessly to care for our community and to ensure our local pantries were always stocked for those in need. In 2020, Holy Cross Parish was providing approximately 100 bags of groceries to the Jamesville Food Pantry, St. Lucy’s Food Pantry and All Faiths Food Pantry at St. John the Baptist. As the needs increased, so did your generosity. This month, we provided over 250 bags of groceries to our three pantries. It is certain that we are responding to Maureen’s Mission. We lost Maureen in 2021, but we know her spirit is with us and lives on in our acts of charity. And, it is with gratitude that we have renamed our food ministry in Maureen’s honor. The Holy Cross food ministry is now Maureen’s Mission. Thank you for your continued generosity!
On the first weekend of each month, we collect non-perishable food donations at all weekend Masses. Volunteers sort & pack food for distribution to several parish families and food pantries: Downtown Emergency Center, St. Lucy’s, All Faiths at St. John the Baptist, and the Jamesville Ecumenical Food Pantry.
Food Donation Weekend
March 1-2, 2025
Maureen’s Mission is March 1 & 2. Our pantries are so very grateful for all that Holy Cross provides as all three pantries are assisting an ever growing population. One pantry mentioned that they are out of rice and low on soap items. Basic grocery items are needed, as well as cleaning and bathing supplies. Thank you for your continued support! The donations and helping hands each month are overwhelmingly helpful! And we ask that you continue to pray for all involved, especially those on the receiving end.
Tuna Fish
Soup & crackers
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Beans & Lentils
Pasta & Sauce
Canned fruits & veggies
Tea Bags, Hot Cocoa
Mac & cheese
Laundry detergent, small
Dish soap
HBA: soaps, shampoo