Faith in Action

May & June

Christ the King Retreat House Garden Thank you!

For a few years Holy Cross volunteers have been planting & maintaining a large garden facing the window wall of the retreat house meeting space. Thank you to all who helped set up the garden this year. Sign up for monthly weed & water visits through the coming months. Contact Beth or


Diaper Collection Thank you!!

HC parishioners & faith formation students donated 2000 diapers to our Diaper drive to benefit CNY Diaper Bank. Thank you for your generous contribution to our March diaper drive! Terri Cylinski accompanied me to a “wrap & play” session at the diaper bank, located at Shoppingtown Mall. The diaper bank distributes diapers to families in need all over Syracuse via outreach agencies such as Catholic Charities, Samaritan Center, Vera House. Thank you for your generous contribution to the care of babies throughout our city!


Third Tuesday Sandwiches

May 21, 8:15am

Stop in downstairs in Yeazel Hall after daily mass on Tuesday. Volunteers will prepare over 100 peanut butter sandwiches for Catholic Charities Men’s Shelter. No advance sign up needed.


Brady Urban Farm

Saturday, June 1st: 11am-1pm

Brady Farm is located at 150 Ford Ave in the heart of the south side of the city. It is led by two awesome women hired from Cornell Cooperative Extension by Brady Faith Center. Jessi & Alice have created a working farm where city residents can find fresh produce, learn how to tend the earth, and receive tips on  to prepare fresh food for their families. On the first Saturday in June,your family is invited to join Jessi & Alice with their chores on the farm. There will be something for everyone who wants to participate. Prepare to be inspired by the wholesome energy and love that is poured out on the land & the people at the farm! To sign up contact Beth (315) 416-4576.


Brady Bike & Walk

Sunday, June 9th, 8am-noon

Get to know the southside neighborhood with your family & friends! Brady Faith Center offers a bike ride of various lengths, or a 2 mile walk  beginning at the Brady Urban Farm. Sponsor someone or sign up yourself at: