School Mass
Faith-filled Hearts
On Friday, January 7, students from Holy Cross School celebrated their first School Mass of 2022. After just completing a week of in-person classes since enjoying their break for Christmas, students gathered together to be nourished by the Word of God and the Sacrament of Eucharist.
Every month, students, families, and faculty participate in sacred liturgy together. Grades take turns bringing the liturgy to life by serving at the altar, proclaiming the scripture readings and leading the Prayer of the Faithful. Often there is music, sometimes costumes, and tangible signs that connect students to the Mass.
Fr. Foley reminded students of the love God has for them. He shared God's desire is for us to be made well, and when our prayer is that God's will be done, transformative changes and healing can take place in our lives. God is good. Thank you to our administration, faculty, staff, and clergy for creating these holy experiences for our students. Thank you students for all of the goodness and light that you bring to our community!
Mark your Calendars & Follow Along
Mark your calendars for Catholic Schools Week (CSW '22)! Catholic Schools Week, an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States, will be held from January 30 - February 5, 2022. Look for more news about Catholic Schools Week coming soon and be sure to follow along on Facebook and Instagram for more great stories like these.
A student Altar Server leads the procession out at the close of Mass.
Students receive holy communion during the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Fr. Foley proclaims the gospel for the students.
Fr. Brendan Foley shares a special message with the students during his homily.
Sixth grade teacher, Ms. K., leads the responsorial psalm.
Students share a (Covid safe) Sign of Peace with one another.