May 7
Fifth Sunday of Easter
“Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you.”
"You are 'a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peo- ple of his own, so that you may announce the praises’ of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”
In today’s First Letter of Peter, the above phrase follows the description of Jesus as the stone that the builders rejected. That rejected stone has now become the cornerstone, our foundation. God the Father, on the foundation that Christ has laid down for us, namely his own body, builds us as the chosen race and royal priesthood. Christ, the Savior of the world is our foundation. We have this sound foundation so that we might grow in mighty ways!
As we grow, Peter tells us, some will stumble and disobey the word of Christ. Disobedient should not be a word used to describe a chosen one of God, but instead we should be known as proclaimers of his prais- es! Think how good it feels when we allow ourselves to be happy as op- posed to sad or troubled. Through our suffering, Christ calls us to remember that the challenges of this world are nothing when compared to the immense joys of the heavenly kingdom!
Let us continue to experience Easter joy now and throughout the remainder of our lives here on this Earth, always giving thanks and proclaiming the great joy we find in God as Christian people.
God bless you,
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