June 4
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
“Glory and praise for ever!”
Our readings today reflect the totality of the Trinity. As we state in our creed, we believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God in three persons. There is a Trinitarian aspect to each of today’s readings.
In the first reading from the Old Testament Book of Exodus we see Moses going back to the Father with the two tablets to receive the Law from a tender and compassionate God. The God who gives the Law to his people is a loving Father, one who does everything out of love for his people that they may be drawn into his love and live in happiness.
The second reading is focused on all three members of the Trinity, in its closing words to the people of Corinth, a closing which we use in the Eucharistic prayers: “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.”
The Gospel tells us that God sent his Son to redeem and to save the world. We are told that God did this because he wanted all people to have eternal life, a period of time where we will literally live with God in all of His glory forever. All who believe in Jesus and who live out that belief, will one day be joined with the Trinity in eternal life.
It is important for us as a people of faith to learn to discern the reality of our triune God. Each is distinct but each is an integral part of the other. Through our faith in the work of each one, we are made complete. The Father created us and the world around us, the Son redeemed us with his sacrificial death and resurrection, and the Holy Spirit works in the world today and every day to bring us knowledge, holiness, and truth. Through the three-fold actions of our God, our lives have been planted on this earth, redeemed from the consequences of sin, and made holy enough to bring us to the heavenly throne. Let us ponder this mystery with all of our hearts, minds and souls. It is a marvel of God’s love.
Be well, be peace,
Deacon Dare
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