October 1
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Remember your mercies, O Lord.”
What is the call to discipleship; order or invitation? We may be of the opinion that Jesus does not give us a choice in following him. Believing that the call is an order can make us feel that Jesus only makes demands on us, and that those demands limit our personal freedom. This is not true discipleship, but slavery.
Certainly, discipleship places demands on the individual, but we must remember that this does not limit or deny us our freedom. We must decide if we will accept or reject the invitation to become disciples, understanding that choosing to be a Disciple of Jesus requires continued, renewed commitment. However, we should not think of our commitment as a one time, permanent decision. It is in the daily renewal of our choice to follow Jesus that we gain new energy and insight from our relationship with our Savior.
Jesus’ invitation is always open to us, no matter how many times we have accepted or denied the invitation to grasp the hand of Jesus and allow him to accompany us on our journey through life. We should serve him as he pleases, recognizing that we benefit greatly from our relationship. We also must remember that we can withdraw from Jesus, and choose our own way, ignoring his invitation.
What have you chosen today?
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