December 24
Fourth Sunday of Advent
“For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.”
On this Fourth Sunday of Advent, the season shifts from expectation to immediacy. The introduction of the “O Antiphons” on the Seventeenth of December prepares us for this coming shift. The “O Antiphons” are prayed for seven days in preparation for Christmas and are based on Isaiah’s prophesies and reveal the different titles given to the Messiah. This shift helps us realize that the Christ Child has almost arrived among us.
The Scripture readings for this weekend describe that the time of fulfillment is at hand. God the Father has revealed the mystery hidden from our eyes. We can only say that God works what seems impossible, and he does this for the benefit of all humankind!
As the waiting of Advent is nearly over. Mary and we are to believe that God has done the impossible. Mary is to believe that she will be the mother of the Lord, but also, to believe that her kinwoman Elizabeth is with child. This is all because nothing is impossible for God.
What are we to believe? Certainly, we believe in the motherhood of Mary, the coming birth of the Christ Child, and the miracle that takes place with Elizabeth and the birth of John the Baptist. We are also to believe that God is active in our life. What miracles is God the Father working through and for us? Do we attribute the miracles of our life as great, unexpected gifts from God? Do we somehow attribute those miracles to our own doing? This is the perfect time to explore how God is active in our life!
May the Christ Child bless you this Christmas!
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