May 12
Seventh Sunday of Easter
“The Lord has set his throne in heaven.”
First John reminds us today that whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him. This is a wonderful reflection on what true love is. John in not referring to a romantic love, or even a peaceful love, but a love based on faith, truth, and knowledge of God. How do we come to that type of love, a love that the world does not always understand, love that is loyal and true?
I believe it is the personal relationship with Jesus Christ, expressed through our baptism when Christ claims us for his own which allows us to develop a love that is expressed through devotion and living in the ways taught by Christ. We should take comfort that as we live in the love of Christ, we also are tied inexplicably to God the Father. We are reminded in the Gospel of John that we are in the world, as Christ was in the world, and that Christ and the Father are one.
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