July 21
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week, our readings depict Jesus as the shepherd of our lives. This idea that Jesus guides us and keeps us from going off on the wrong path is something that we find comforting, if not a little challenging.
We view sheep–the object of the shepherd’s craft–as stupid and brainless creatures. We look at ourselves as much more capable than these helpless creatures. But are we that far above them? Perhaps not, because we often find ourselves heading in the wrong direction, walking blindly into dangerous situations, and mindlessly walking in circles. Even more, there are many voices that can easily lead us in the wrong direction if we find ourselves listening too closely to them. If we submit to the shepherding of Jesus, we avoid these things.
In the first reading from Jeremiah, those evil shepherds who neglect their flocks, who lead them in wrong directions are brought to task. Jeremiah alludes to the coming of Jesus as well, promising justice and peace to the descendants of Israel and Judah, as well as we who follow him.
The Psalm we hear today is the familiar and comforting 23rd Psalm where the image of the shepherd reveals all of the blessings we can receive when we follow the Lord.
St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians shares with us the message that it was Jesus who broke down the walls of separation between ourselves and God, reconciling us with him and bringing peace to us.
In the Gospel, Mark describes Jesus meeting with the disciples who have returned from their missionary journeys, casting out demons, curing the sick and preaching the Kingdom. The people who followed Jesus and the disciples around were so pitiful that the heart of Jesus was moved, so he stopped what he was doing and taught them.
We can sometimes be like those pitiful people whose desperation brought them out to walk after Jesus and the disciples, seeking guidance, sustenance and spiritual enlightenment. We must always keep in mind that only Jesus can bring us these things, acting as the true shepherd of our souls. Let us always follow the teachings of Jesus and let ourselves be guided by him and him alone.
Deacon Dare
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