January 26

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.
— John 6:63c



This week we get a sense of the larger picture of our faith. We learn what it meant to the Israelites who spent a generation in Babylon deprived of their temple and the practices that they loved so much. In the book of Nehemiah, we see their return and the loving way they responded to hearing the Word of God in their rebuilt temple for the first time in decades. The Psalm echoes the joy that was felt by the Israelites when they heard those words, echoing the Psalm response; “Your words, O Lord, are spirit and life,” since they rekindle the Spirit and give a new and optimistic view of life to the people who have suffered so much in Babylon. 

Praying with Ezra reading the law and Jesus reading in the synagogue invites us to examine the second reading from Paul to the Corinthians through a new lens. The metaphor that the Church is comprised of many parts of the same body is a favorite scripture passage and an effective way to open up discussions about community and variety in gifts. We have many people in our parish and in our lives who bring many different gifts to us and to the Church. We are enriched by them and must always remember that we must use our gifts to help one another to attain the joys of heaven, a place where justice and peace reign for all time. 

In the Gospel from Luke, Jesus alludes to some of the qualities of the Kingdom of Heaven, noting that through the Spirit of the Lord, he was anointed to bring the news of God’s justice and mercy to the people of Earth. Signs that accompany this good news are captives going free and the blind being able to see. Jesus brought all of this and more to the poor and oppressed people of Israel, as well as the rest of the world. We too, are the beneficiaries of this news as well. 

As we go forward in our lives and our faith, we need to recognize and embrace the knowledge that, through using our God-given gifts in faith and in love we can realize the wonderful benefits of the Kingdom of Heaven.



Deacon Dare


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