
We desire for you to grow in your faith and develop a rich and fulfilling life with God. No matter where you are on your journey, we hope you find resources that nourish you along the way. Below are some content providers of resources that we find helpful.



The Catholic Faith On demand

We are excited to announce an amazing resource available to our community! Formed is a digital library of programs, bible studies, movies, audio recordings, and books from trusted creators of Catholic media. It’s like the Amazon Prime of Catholic content. And it's free for our parishioners. If you've ever wanted to learn more about a topic in the Church or help your family understand a teaching more clearly, this is the place for you. We love being able to use the Bible studies for small groups, listen to audio books on our commute to work, and watch award winning documentaries and movies that bring us a fuller and richer understanding of the faith. Register at



United States conference of catholic bishops

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is an assembly of the hierarchy of the United States and the U.S. Virgin Islands who jointly exercise certain pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful of the United States. The purpose of the Conference is to promote the greater good which the Church offers humankind, especially through forms and programs of the apostolate fittingly adapted to the circumstances of time and place. We find this to be an excellent place to listen to daily readings and get video reflections on sacred scripture as well as read recent news pertaining to Catholicism, America, and the world.


Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse

our Catholic Faith: Know it, Live it, Share it

Our Diocese has an abundance of resources to help you in your faith life. From parish and school information to event calendars and video reflections from our Bishop. Our Diocese is made up of vibrant parishes and incredible communities. We encourage you to learn more about our diocese and to get involved.