
Don’t miss the fun, friends, and the faith that brings us all together! We’re teaming up with the diocese and other local parishes to offer some incredible opportunities: opportunities to get away, to serve, to laugh, to strengthen friendships–and to form new ones, opportunities to sing and dance and to learn new things, and opportunities for quiet stillness in the presence of God. Join us for some exciting trips, programs, and events for youth of all ages. Keep scrolling to see some of the highlights.


A day trip to Niagara Falls that includes a ride on the Maid of the Mist, visit to the Cave of the Winds, Mass at Our Lady of Victory Shrine, visit to the Fr. Baker Museum, pizza, laser tag and games! Join other middle school students from around the diocese for this fun day away on June 28, 2025. Cost is only $75 and includes transportation, dinner, and activities. Sign up today!

Questions? Contact Steve Nepil at


July 20 - 25

Registration is now open!

Totus Tuus is a week long summer day camp and evening youth retreat run by trained college missionaries at Catholic parishes. It is extremely fun, energetic, and engaging while bringing youth to the depths of the faith. Totus Tuus at Holy Cross for grades 1-6 (day camp) is Monday, July 21st to Friday, July 25th ($55/child. Family max is $110). For grades 7-12 (evenings) is Sunday, July 20th to Thursday, July 24th ($25/person).

Steubenville Youth Conference


July 11-13, 2025

Join 9th-12th grade students from our diocese for a weekend at Franciscan University packed with dynamic presentations, powerful concerts, life-changing prayer & adoration, and growing deeper through the Sacraments. Holy Cross parishioner & Lux Mundi member registration is $185 per person and includes conference registration, transportation, prizes, meals, t-shirts, and lodging. *Registration with Syracuse Diocese is $245 per person; Holy Cross helps subsidize this cost for parishioners. Questions? Contact Steve Nepil
