A LENTEN JOURNEY | WEEK 6 | March 28, 2021
Welcome to our sixth and final edition of the Laudato Si’ Circle Lenten Journey! Each week we've been sharing a new theme that will encourage us to grow deeper in our love, knowledge, and concern for creation. Follow our mediation and reflection prompt, research and reading resources, and suggested action steps.
Reflect on the following quotes:
“Christian spirituality proposes an alternative understanding of the quality of life… one capable of deep enjoyment free of the obsession with consumption. Such sobriety, when lived freely and consciously, is liberating. Individuals who possess this quality [of kindness] help make other people’s lives more bearable, especially by sharing the weight of their problems, needs and fears. Kindness frees us from the cruelty that at times infects human relationships, from the anxiety that prevents us from thinking of others, from the frantic flurry of transforms lifestyles, relationships and the ways ideas are discussed and compared.”(Laudato Si’ §222-4)
In paragraph 202 of Laudato Si, the pope writes “many things have to change course, but it is we human beings above all who need to change … A great cultural, spiritual, and educational challenge stands before us, and it will demand that we set out on the long path of renewal.”
“The Holy Thursday Gospel says: ‘Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands…’; in other words, Jesus had all the power. And then he begins to perform this gesture of washing feet. He performs the act of slaves: he who was all powerful, he who was Lord, performs this act of slaves. And then he advises everyone: ‘You also ought to wash one another’s feet.’ This is Jesus’ rule and the rule of the Gospel: the rule of service, not of dominating, or doing harm, or humiliating others. Service!” [taken from Pope Francis’ homily on Holy Thursday 2019 at the Velletri Correctional Facility in Rome]
Watch this Song for the Earth (LAUDATO SI' PRAYER)
Take a moment to reflect on these questions.
How have my reflections during Lent helped me to better appreciate and to care for our common home?
How does consumerism influence my life?
How has the pandemic affected my opinion about my own individual wants and needs?
What specific change/changes can I make to better care for the earth and its environment?
How can I convince those around me to care for our common home?
Watch the video about young people creating hope:
Learn about solar energy options in our area:
Have an energy audit done of your home/business. For more information:
Read about National Grid’s commitment to Net Zero for energy saving
As we enter the Holy Week, how can you change your life to celebrate this “new creation”? It might be a new compost pile, a Laudato Si' Circle, a garden, or a new tree that you will plant. Come up with a way to celebrate this Easter!
Volunteer to clean up on Earth Day (April 22)
Join or support a community supported agriculture (CSA) program
Eat Less (or no) meat
Walk or bike when you can
Cut down on or eliminate single-use plastic items. There are cost effective, reusable alternatives that are readily available including reusable bags, straws and tableware, coffee mugs, water bottles & recyclable carryout containers.
Laudato Si’ Lenten Journey