Laudato Si' Lenten Journey


Join us for a Laudato Si’ Lenten Journey

Greetings to all from the Holy Cross Laudato Si’ Circle! Over the past eight months, we’ve had a chance to read, think, and pray about Pope Francis’s 2015 encyclical on the environment. It has really inspired us to look for ways to care for and protect our common home and given us hope in these trying times.

We invite you to join us this Lenten season in a series of guided exercises intended to help us continue to grow in our love, knowledge, and concern for creation. Drawing from Laudato Si’ and the work of Catholics around the world, we’ve identified several weekly themes to guide us through this season as we seek to improve our relationships with the world around us. Starting next week, we’ll outline a meditation prompt, offer some readings or short videos, and suggest a couple of actions around the selected theme in that week’s bulletin.  Whether you are able to take all three steps each week or just one, we sincerely hope that you find this season an opportunity to join us and the broader Church in caring for creation. 

In addition, we want to invite you to join our Laudato Si’ Circle when we meet biweekly for an hour of conversation, reflection, and fellowship. While we’ve been meeting remotely over the past few months to keep everyone healthy, our time together has provided us with hope and community, and we hope to see you at our next meeting. For more information about the Circle, our Lenten program, or other related topics, please email Ed Judge at or Beth Schafer at


How to Participate

Meditation: Spend at least fifteen to twenty minutes thinking or journaling about the weekly theme. We’ll pose some initial questions, but please follow your thoughts wherever they take you. If you are inspired, you can also talk about your meditation with a family member or friend.

Research & Reading: Spend some time this week learning about some environmental issues that affect Central New York. We’ll provide a topic and some initial resources, but there’s a ton of additional information concerning these topics that’s available online--feel free to reach out if you would like additional suggestions.

Action: If you’re somewhat more active/looking for something to do, we’ll also suggest a few steps you can take to care for creation in line with that week’s theme. In this as in the other cases, you should feel free to go beyond if you wish--our suggestions are only meant to get the ball rolling, as there’s more that all of us can do as we seek to love the world around us.


Schedule for Lent

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Follow Along All Lent Long

Look for our weekly inserts in the bulletin, in the gathering space at Holy Cross Church, or online at and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @holycrossdewitt as we share more ideas on these themes each week!