Photos - Confirmation Ropes Retreat

The Flying Squirrel

Lauren gets harnessed in and puts on her helmet. She's about to let Mr. Newton know exactly what she thinks about "gravity." Grab the cell's an experience to remember and must be documented accordingly. Six other Confirmation candidates are strapped onto the other end of the line. They will be the force that launches Lauren skyward. Ready, SET, GO!

The group of six and Lauren set off running in opposite directions. As they reach the crux of the pulley system, Lauren is no longer confined to the limits of Earth's force on her body, but weightless she touches the sky and looks down on creation. With a little help from some new friends, amazing things happen.

It's All About Relationships

Eighty-two Confirmation candidates for 2015 had their first retreat at the ropes course. They spent the day working together as a team, exploring the adventure of their faith, and learning who to place their trust in. Thank you to all of the adults who came along to help, and thank you for your continued prayers and support as these candidates begin their Confirmation process. Check out some photos from the day:

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Photos, NewsHoly Cross