Love in Action


Eighteen teenagers from Holy Cross spent a week of their vacation at Summer Servants with one goal - to love and serve the poor in Syracuse - and we were joined by twenty other high school students from across the city. As a leader I am always trying to encourage our teenagers to make new friends and step outside of their comfort zone. But the forty high school students at Summer Servants really knew how to tear down their own walls. And on Thursday night as parents and community members filled our common area, all forty of them sat together on the floor, not caring what school they were from or what church they attended. And as one they sang, from their favorite song that week: “We are Your Church. We are the hope on earth.” Summer Servants from the point of view of a Youth Minister is very different than Summer Servants as told by a high school student. The students serve, and I get to witness them serving. And what I saw that week was this: young people choosing to put others first. Because we know that as long as there is someone standing in front of us, our mission is to love that person. For Christ has said, “Love one another as I have loved you” John 15:12.

Brigid Clary, Youth Minister at Holy Cross

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