Photos - Parish Day of Service at Matthew 25

“It was nice to be in the beautiful hills of Vesper, with nice people, doing something that benefits others. God's presence was in all of the people there, the pretty setting and in knowing that we did something to help feed others.” “It was worth my time I enjoying helping others. God presence was with me as it was a beautiful day and I met some new people.”

“We enjoyed working at Matthew 25 Farm. I'm glad there was still work for us to do, even though we arrived late. It was definitely worth our time and it felt good to be doing something to benefit others. Jim says he feels God's presence any time he is part of a group working on a project like that.”

“Definitely was worth the time. I experienced the Lord in all the good people, nature.”

A Day of Service

Those comments are from participants in the September Parish Day of Service at Matthew 25 Farm. The Farm is dedicated to growing fresh produce for local food pantries & soup kitchens. We met Farmer Rick & his Mom, Elizabeth at the Tully Farm. On this day we brought almost 20 participants. The group included a wide range of ages, and all were able to participate in the harvest. We picked the tomato crop completely and then we were directed to choose a (dull) knife or a (even more dull) machete and to sever heads off cabbages. After 2 hours we finished harvesting and we stopped for lunch at the picnic tables. The tables were freshly painted in bright yellow and blue. Rick tells us that he paints things to fill the time on days when volunteers fail to arrive.

One Thousand Pounds...

One family left (for a volleyball game) & another family arrived (late due to a soccer game). We weighed & sorted the collected produce, putting it in bags for the food pantries and loading it on the farm truck for delivery. Our total yield for the day was just under one thousand pounds of tomatoes & cabbage!

How you can help

If you would like to help with Matthew 25 Farm’s mission of growing fresh produce for area food pantries and soup kitchens, check out their Facebook page for up to the minute information on which fields are open and how you can help:

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Photos, NewsHoly CrossOutreach