October 30
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
“I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God.”
The act of hospitality often seems lost, yet we show hospitality to those we love and respect on a regular basis. Perhaps, hospitality to the stranger is what seems to be missing. I dare say it may be missing in our own lives! Today we learn a lesson about true hospitality.
When we invite someone into our home, we reveal ourselves in ways that words cannot accomplish. What we like, how we live, and the things we value are on display for all to see and judge. We begin to shift our focus and attention away from ourselves and toward others, making sure they are comfortable, and thus accepting the stranger as they learn about us. Both people share something valuable, which allows them to form a new and deeper relationship.
Today, in the Gospel of Luke, Zacchaeus, the chief tax collector and a man of ill repute, desires to view Jesus as Jesus passes by. Jesus takes notice and reads Zacchaeus’ interest as an openness toward change. Jesus, when he meets Zacchaeus, then invites himself into Zacchaeus’ house and, in one way, becomes the host. Zacchaeus comes to know and appreciate Jesus and his message and Jesus, through his action of acceptance and love transforms Zacchaeus. In reality, the home may belong to Zacchaeus, but Jesus teaches him that his true home is with Jesus, both in this life and in the life to come.
May we experience the same type of “invitation” from Jesus and accept him more deeply into our lives, so we might continue to learn more about the one who offers us redemption.
Fr. John
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