November 6
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Lord, when your glory appears, my joy will be full.”
One of the things that we try to understand about our faith is how eternal life is going to work. Are we immediately transported to our eternal destination or do we have to wait for a while? When we get there, what are we going to find? Some faiths say that all of our loved ones who have passed on will be waiting there at the pearly gates for us. Others say that Jesus alone will be waiting to escort us into heaven. We just don’t know how things are going to happen. But today our readings give us a glimpse of how eternity might be for us.
The reading from Maccabees tells us about the faith in the beauty of eternal life that allowed the young Maccabee brothers to give their lives for their religion. They were certain that their heroic acts would result in their resurrection and the punishment of their tormentors. Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians tells us that faith in the word of God will help us to triumph over those who have faith only in the workings of this world. But Jesus gives us the most important information today when he answers the Sadducees’ absurd question about marriage in the resurrection.
Jesus’ words describe a state of grace that will transcend the limitations of our current world. We get married in this world for many reasons, but most of all to share love with someone. In heaven, God’s love will be so palpable that we will not have to get married to feel the love that exists in the His world. All time will be filled to the brim with the love of God, and we will spend eternity as His cherished children. Sounds pretty good to me.
Keep the faith,
Deacon Dare
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