July 9

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God.
— Psalms 145:1



"Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened..."

This command should remind us that we are not completely lost in oblivion. The God whom we know and love, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, touches our lives in some ways that are tangible and others that demand faith.

It is obvious that the most tangible manifestation of God is the person of Jesus himself. How much more proof could we or those who interacted with him during his public ministry desire, yet, there were those who could not come to belief because they were not expecting a gentle and loving Messiah, but instead, a warrior king.

This type of gentle and loving Messiah denotes the fact that Jesus, the human manifestation of the divine is humble.

Jesus leads us to the realization that we too must be humble if we are truly to serve him as his hands and feet. We cannot lord any power we might have over those who do not share in that power.

We must let loose of our own desires and opinions, and work toward understanding each other in such a way that we can help one another grow closer to the Holy Trinity, rooted in the faith of Jesus Christ.



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