November 12

Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.
— Psalms 63:2



For the past few Sundays, the scripture readings have caused us to reflect on the nature of the Kingdom of God. We have seen the kingdom described as a community focused on justice, working together in the vineyard of God. We will be beneficiaries of the great banquet provided to us by God. This banquet is one, which we could never gain for ourselves; we can only accept it and enjoy it as pure gift!

What is the goal of the kingdom? In the scripture readings today, we see our attention shifting toward the end time. Early Christians thought that the kingdom would be upon them during their lifetime. As the death of early Christians continued, faithful followers began to ask what is the kingdom. Is it something that we only experience after our death? The answer is no. We experience the Kingdom of God here and now, but only in part. We know that the kingdom is here, but not fully here. There is more to come!

As we begin our transition toward the end of the liturgical year, our minds may come to thoughts of our own death, when will it come, what will it be like, is there more for us?

St. Paul assures us that what Christ has said is true. Christ has died; he has risen; Christ will come again, and all the faithful will join him. How this happens, we do not know, and we do not need to know. In what seems like a world of endless questioning, two things are for sure, death will come to all of us, and when it does, Christ will be there to escort us to our final reward!



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