March 31
Easter Sunday
“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.”
He is risen! The Easter Season is the time of mystagogical catechesis, which allows us to experience the sacraments of initiation through those who have participated in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and have now entered the church through Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
Those of us previously fully initiated into the Church have the opportunity at Easter Mass to renew our own Baptismal promises. This vital part of Easter Mass reminds us that Baptism truly means new life! We may ask; to what newness of life does Christ call us? Newness of life in Christ is our answer! For us to be able to accept this newness of life means that we must die to ourselves, our habits, sinful desires in order to accept resurrection in Christ.
Christ’s salvific action for us is the source of new life. We first see this new life in his resurrection on the third day, which we celebrate on this Easter Sunday. This transformation from physical death to new life plays out before our eyes on Easter. The renewal of our baptismal promises reminds us that we, baptized into Christ’s death, will rise to new life when the struggles of this world are completed.
Each Sunday of Easter Sacred Scripture allows us to experience what this new life can be like. Each Sunday’s readings concentrate on some aspect of the mystery of the sacraments of initiation that lead us into new life in Christ. Let us pray for ourselves and for each other, that we remain open to Christ’s salvific action this Easter Season.
Blessed Easter,
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