April 7
Divine Mercy Sunday
“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, his love is everlasting.”
Today’s readings show us the way life that faith-filled Christians could experience in our world when people are of the same mind and heart in Jesus. In our first reading we read of the ideal way of living the Christian message – everyone united in faith, looking out for one another, and sharing their possessions for the good of all. In this setting, the individual differences of the people are minimized, and they begin to live for one another, giving freely of their possessions and seeing others as brothers and sisters.
In the Gospel from John, this faith- filled way of life is continued except for one person; Thomas the doubter. All the other apostles are of one mind having seen and heard the risen Jesus and experiencing the Holy Spirit. Thomas, who was absent when the first meeting took place is somewhat of an outsider when he expresses his disbelief until he can prove to himself that Jesus is risen by examining the wounds that were inflicted by the torture and crucifixion he went through for our salvation–and Thomas’s as well.
If we want to experience the peace and joy that those first believers did, we simply need to trust Jesus in a more steadfast way than Thomas did before his eyes and ears beheld the truth of Jesus’ resurrection. In a manner of speaking, Thomas is our eyes and ears, and he certifies for us any doubts we may have. His report of Jesus’ authenticity is something that we can rely on. We all doubt from time to time–as did Thomas–but Thomas represents each of us and received the proof on our behalf. Therefore, with him we are called on to say, “My Lord, and my God.”
There is a different way of living that comes to life when someone believes in the risen Jesus. We are able to treat one another more gently, to be kinder, more generous and less troublesome to each other through the combined efforts of faith and the Holy Spirit. Let us emulate those first Christians and learn to love one another through the help of our risen Lord. “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”
Deacon Dare
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