August 18
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
It is interesting that when we get a new phone, television or whatever, it usually comes with a user’s manual. The question that usually comes up is this; do we actually read the manual or do we just kind of “wing it?” Most of us try to put things together without reading the manual, and if we struggle, we read it as a last resort or call someone who we believe to be better at “this stuff.”
This week, we are offered a sort of manual for the way we should live our lives if we want to be disciples of Jesus. There are several sure fire ways to follow God’s will for our lives that we can discover if we only spend the time reading what God has to say.
In the reading from Proverbs, we hear some solid advice about wisdom. We are told; “Forsake foolishness that you may live; advance in the way of understanding." We can learn what is foolishness and how to avoid it. Through this learning, we can live lives that are closer to the Lord. In the reading from St. Paul to the Ephesians, we hear the same call to live wisely. He tells us; “do not continue in ignorance, but try to understand what is the will of the Lord.” If we spend time in learning what God wants us to do, we can live lives of peace and contentment.
The Gospel from John tells us the ultimate way that we can stay close to the Lord. Jesus continues the “bread of life” discourse, saying that his flesh is the bread that gives life to the world. The conclusion is pretty simple; if we continue to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus, we are assured of God’s blessings and will be spiritually directed by him so that we can live lives of kindness, peace and security. Let us trust in his direction for our lives.
Deacon Dare
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