September 27

Sunday of the Twenty-sixth Week in Ordinary Time

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Prayer for Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there, and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

Remember your mercies, O Lord.
— Psalm 25

Readings & Reflection

Jesus meets John the Baptist Jesus meets John the Baptist - 15th century

There is a simple question for us to ponder today. What does it mean for us to do the will of God? I asked my Confirmation class this when we were still in session. Some of the responses were to follow the Ten Commandments, listen to authority, pray, help those in need. These are all great responses to this question but let’s take some of these a step deeper.

When we say following the 10 commandments what are we really saying? Are we truly honoring the Sabbath? Do we take time for ourselves and for family on Sunday? Are we resting or is it another day to just get things done in an already crazy schedule? Do we take the Lord's name in vain? When we get angry do we allow ourselves to fall into this sin and say things we don’t mean? Is there anything taking the place of God in our lives? This is a big one. It could be distractions, material things, people, behaviors, or anything that keeps us from following Christ in our lives. Lastly do we find time to pray? Are we taking that opportunity to pray and examine our hearts before God? If not, let's carve out a few minutes of our day and be with God who desires to be with us always. By no means is this an exhaustive examine of the commandments, but it allows us to begin reflecting on whether or not we are following the commandments of Christ in our lives and to do the will of God by going out to the vineyard and being disciples of Christ. 

How can you do the will of God today? Try and not be like the two sons in the Gospel who either refuse to go into their Father’s vineyard and work or grumble about doing it. Each of us gets hung up on not wanting to do things in our lives, let's seize the moment and take that opportunity to be close to Christ so that he will remain close to us. To do the will of God is not only following the commandments, but simply listening to your heart and to your conscience.


Fr. Matt Rawson

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